In 1960 the two holders introduce a system of sterilization and pasteurization with preservation of fruit in jars. They add also deep-frozen fruit, obtaining, for " C.I.M.A. " society a rise that in few years imposes it on all the national territory and abroad too. The center placed along Cemetary avenue was progressively widened in order to make forehead the requirements of the market. Between 1960 and 1963, the company took advantage from the collaboration of approximately 150 seasonal employees; subsequently, thanks to one strongly mechanization of the production processes, managed to have approximately 30 seasonal employees . The main customers of " C.I.M.A. " are representes from industries and cooperatives distributed on all the national territory.  Currently the company is directed from Mr. Azzaroli Francesco and his son Giorgio, respectivly son and grandson of the founder Azzaroli Dante. For future the holders mean to continue the tradition of high quality of their products.